Friday, August 20, 2010

A First of Many Firsts

Here we go!  Blog de la Crystal!

It's only taken me a month to finally get the ball rolling!  

I just finished cleaning half of the apartment and have been thinking all day what I was going to write in my blog.  As most of you know, I'm not a very creative I thought Q&A format might be the best way to start this thing off.  Let's imagine that Oprah is interviewing me.

1.  How are you?  I'm great!  Especially now that work has started I feel like I have a purpose and that I can make a difference...I'm super excited!

2.  What was your best moment in Japan so far?  Standing in front of the students at my base school and giving my introduction speech this past Thursday.  It was nerve wrecking, but I couldn't stop smiling and the kids were so responsive...proud moment!

3.  What was your worst moment?  On my birthday, I bought icecream and put it in my "freezer" to eat that night since I was spending it alone.  When I went to eat it, it had melted! I was so disappointed and alone I wanted to cry.  

4.  What is Iiyama like?  Beautiful, full of rice fields, surrounded by mountains, full of wonderful people, and HOT.  No AC is common

5.  What is your apartment like? Small, but cozy, and not too big for me to handle. and HOT.

6.  What is your favorite thing about living in Japan so far?  Every day is different, and there is always something new to learn.  People are kind, and much more conscientious about other people and the environment.  

7.  What is your least favorite?  Having to separate my trash five different ways and throwing it out five different ways.  You really have to think. lol

8.  What's the last meal you ate?  Last night I ate this amazing curry omu-soba, it's like lomein in an omelet with curry on top.  And for dessert, Baskin Robins! 

9.  What do you miss most about the US?  My friends!! And fountain soda pepsi.

10.  What's one of the coolest things you've done so far?  I had sushi delivered to me on a shinkansen.  (see video on facebook) 

11.  Who do you spend time with?  I hang out with the other JETs in Iiyama for the most part.  Kim from Hawaii, Elissa from DC, Alaina from Minnesota, Mitzi from Cali.  They are all wonderful, intelligent, super fun girls!  Tongiht, the music teacher at my base school who lives in the apartment downstairs is taking me out to dinner too!  

12.  Share some fun pictures you took!

Here is a picture I took of Iiyama when we were on a mini roadtrip tour of all the schools.  It was the same day we had a typhoon watch, which is why it's so cloudy! 

A fun day!  They released fish in a sectioned off part of a river and had kids catch the fish with nets...and their bare hands.  Then they cooked the fish whole on a grill.  Then we ate them. hahaha The Americans (L->R: me, Alaina, Kim and Elissa) + Ashley and Mitzi taught everyone how to make smores over the fire! 
Meeting the mayor (Shi-chou) of Iiyama and being videotaped for the local cable tv station with Mitzi...quite an adventure. 
In a shrine inside the Zenkouji temple in Nagano City.  It was sooooo hot this day T~T 

More to come soon, everyone!  Right now I'm off to buy rice! Maybe next time I'll talk about my cute little rice cooker! 


  1. Hello Crystal, This blog is a wonderful way for you to share with us your adventures and day-to-day life in your new home. Please continue to post your stories! I look forward to experiencing this cultural journey with you through this blog. PSUBW classes start on Monday - my turn to get up and introduce myself to my students! ;-) Have fun in your classroom - I know you will be such an inspiration to your students! -- Dr. G

  2. SO glad you are doing this! Love the Oprah interview style. Can't wait to hear more about your teaching adventures :-)

  3. good-o job-o ne! i like the Q and A. smart thinkin' ne. but yea, i knew you'd be doing great. even though you spent out b-day alone. the luck quickly turned and you met a butt load of ppl, did a butt load of things and are now having a butt load of fun. keep it up ne. i love and miss you!

  4. btw crystal,

    I love this format. Love it. I feel like you are speaking to me/us! Hey! You should upload your power point. :)
