Sunday, October 3, 2010

What do you do when...

You are riding on the train and minding your own business during rush hour.  A businessman in a sharp suit and laptop bag boards the train and takes a seat next to you.  He has probably worked a 9-10 hour day and still has work that needs to get done.  He has awhile to go until his stop, so he decides to pull out his laptop and use whatever portable wireless connection available and get some work done.  

But he's tired...oh, so tired...and he'll be on the train for awhile, so if he can just close his eyes until the next stop, he'll start working...

Or he'll fall asleep.  

He will eventually move into a more comfortable sitting position during his slumber and sigh a little sigh of content, maybe dream about a promotion or bonus at work, drool a little.  What he will not do is realize that his laptop is still open to his work intranet login page and is slowly sliding down the side of his lap. 

The laptop is inching its way toward you.  You glance over and notice that part of his hand is covering a letter that is causing the password section of the log in page to be full of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXs all the way across.  You exchange glances with your friend sitting on the other side of you and giggle.  You whisper across the aisle to your other friends and tell them what you are seeing on the screen.  More giggling.

Uhoh.  The giggling must have woke the man up.  He glances down at his laptop and decided that right now, it's not worth working, he's just too tired.  So he closes the log in screen and stares at the blank desktop, maybe debating whether or not to actually just put the laptop away and...

He falls asleep again.  

The laptop starts to slide again, and you think he notices, because his hand shifts a little directly onto the mousepad to get a firmer grip on the laptop.  As a result, the cursor opens the windows list and is now scrolling up and down the list of programs as if it has a mind of its own.  The laptop is still sliding down.  You move your hand in position to catch it, just in case.  You are laughing so hard you are crying, your friends are laughing, other people around you are staring, some even on the edge of their seats, waiting to see what the gaijins do next.  A friend sitting across from you snaps a picture.  You keep your eyes away from the laptop screen because the scrolling cursor is just too much for you to handle at that point.

The laptop is now practically falling into your lap.  The man is still asleep.  What do you do?!?!!?!



We laughed.  And then I tried to compose myself.   I tapped the man on the arm to tell him, but my friends started laughing, so naturally, I did too.  The man woke up with a start, and I told him in a low voice to try and hide the laughter, "Excuse me, this is about to fall..."

I  kind of felt sorry for the man, really.  I would be totally embarrassed to wake up in his shoes with four gaijin girls laughing at me.  He shut down and put away his laptop, and moved down to the other end of the train bench a couple stops later.  I think he even took a picture of us with his phone to probably cry to his wife through text that a bunch of girls were laughing at him on the train.  But we didn't really mind, cuz we got this one:

Photo courtesy of Kim :)

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I love these kind of interactions! The unintentional, unexpected comical ones. :) It's a shame he didn't have enough energy to laugh at himself, too!
